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Narrated from the Messenger of Allah (s): One to whom Allah grants the love of the Imams from my Ahl al-Bayt has attained the goodness of this world and the hereafter… (Bihar al-Anwar, v. 27 p 78).

Question: In a world where celebrities, cartoon characters, and video games compete for the attention and love of our children, what can parents do to instill the love of Imam Husayn (a) in their children’s hearts?


Allah (swt) has created human beings with a fitrah, in a way that they are naturally inclined to Allah and to His religion, like a compass is naturally inclined towards magnetic north. Imam Husayn (a) in his role as the Imam was the representative of Allah in the earth. Therefore, being attracted to him and loving him is part of our innate creation. The love of Imam Husayn (a) does not need to be instilled from scratch. Rather, the natural love for him needs to be cultivated, and impediments that prevent this growth from taking place need to be removed. Here are some tips on how parents can cultivate this love:

– To the extent possible, observe the etiquette recommended with a newborn baby, including wiping the top of the mouth with water from the Furat river mixed with a small amount of the turbah from the grave of Imam Husayn (a). Traditions mention a connection between this act and future potential grounds for accepting and following the Ahl al-Bayt (a).

– Regularly participate in the majalis of Imam Husayn (a) along with your children. Together, take part in the traditional rites of mourning at these majalis that our maraaji’ have approved of and encouraged. Seek out trusted environments where the needs of children and youth are taking into consideration. As your children mature, discuss the meaning and rationale of the mourning rituals, along with educational points learned from associated speeches that pertain to practical implementation of the message of Imam Husayn (a) in our daily lives.

– Tell your children age-appropriate stories that depict the events of Karbala from reliable sources. One source of such stories is The Heroes of Karbalahttp://www.al-asr.org/products.html – a series of short books on the noble companions of Imam Husayn (a) written for children. A good source that parents can consult to know about the events leading up to, during, and after Ashura is The Story of Karbala by Ayatullah Ali Nazari Munfarid.

– Judiciously watch age-appropriate films relating to Imam Husayn (a) with the your children, such as Ardh al-Taff and the Narrative of Mukhtar (see http://www.shiatv.net and http://www.shiasource.com/the-mukhtar-narrative).

– Limit exposure to media such as video games that create alternate realities and promote skewed understandings of the world.

– Adopt an Islamic, God-concious, moderate lifestyle of subservience to Allah that the Ahl al-Bayt encouraged us to live. Our religion should emanate from the depths of our heart and affect the core values upon which we make our live decisions. We can use the words of Imam Husayn (a) as a checkpoint: “People [typically] are slaves of the dunya; their religion does not go beyond their tongues. They tend to it as long as it yields abundance but when they are tried, there are few who remain committed.” Our core values should include awareness of the world around us and a deep commitment to justice.

– Travel with your children to visit the shrines of Imam Husayn (a), his family and noble companions with awareness and observance of the etiquette of the ziyarah.

– Entreat Allah for your children to become His servants and lovers and followers of Imam Husayn (a) and the Ahl al-Bayt (a). The power of the dua of a parent for his/her child can not be underestimated. The father of Allamah Majlisi, who himself was a great scholar, said, “Once, in the pre-dawn hours when I had completed my routine of special worship, I experienced a special state in which I realized that whatever I ask Allah, I will be granted. I was pondering upon what I should request from Him when the cries of my baby son, Muhammad Baqir, arose from his cradle. I immediately said, ‘O my Lord! For the sake of Muhammad and the family of Muhammad, make this child one who propagates your religion, spreads the laws of your eminent Prophet, and grant him endless success!’” History bears witness that this plea was granted, as Allamah Majlisi went on to become one of the greatest Shi’a scholars.