W.A.L.I. International Online School
Wali ul Asr International Online School is designed to provide a high quality, safe and enriching experience to students. We have maintained one of the top schools in Canada for more than a decade and now have an online campus for community members worldwide InshaAllah.

What grades are offered by Wali ul Asr International Online School?
We offer grades JK to 7 (4 years to 13 year olds) and will open additional higher grades every year so that the students enrolled in the online school can continue InshaAllah.
Who can join Wali ul Asr International Online School?
Wali ul Asr International Online School is available to families worldwide who are focused on the spiritual and academic excellence of their children. We currently have students from eight countries. Most of our current online students are from Europeon, North American and the Middle Eastern countries.
When does the school year start and end?
The regular school year starts in September and ends in June of the following year. Students may be permitted to join during the year after an assessment by the principal.
What is the admission criteria for the international online school?
Wali ul Asr International Online School is maintained as another campus of the school and has the same admissions criteria which includes academic and behavioral assessment of the students and an interview with the parents.
Are students allowed to learn at their own pace and fast-track?
Yes all campuses of Wali ul Asr employ a unique abilities-based learning model allowing students to learn at their own pace and to fast-track through the grades.
What curriculum do you use?
The Office of Academic Excellence has reviewed curriculums from around the world and chosen the top book from Canada, UK, US, Australia and Singapore. We also have a custom developed curriculum for certain subjects.
What is the standard of your curriculum?
We have a rigourous curriculum which is significantly more advance than the typical grade level requirements. We strongly believe on the immense potential of children. By the grace of Allah, our unique curriculum and approach has resulted in our elementary and middle school consistently ranking within the top 1.5% of all schools in Ontario and Wali ul Asr High School is ranked number 1 out of over 725 high schools in Ontario by the Fraser institute. Please visit our alumni section to view some of achievements of our graduates.
What platform do you use?
We use Google Classroom and Google Meet to deliver the recorded and live lessons
Will the students have any interaction with the teacher and students?
Yes, there are 3-4 live classes per week for the core subjects and 1-2 live classes for all other subjects.
How many hours of lectures and live classes will my child have?
Each subject will have a minimum of one live class per week, plus recorded lectures for other subjects. There will be enough content for 6 hours of instruction.
Are the live lessons recorded?
Yes all live lessons are recorded and available to students.
What about school books?
We will ship the books and workbooks required by the students for the academic year after the completion of the admissions process.
What can students use as proof of grade completion?
Students will receive regular report cards throughout the year and will receive a final report card at the end of the school year.
We do not live in Ontario, do we still need to take French?
All students of grade four and higher are required to take French.
We do not live in the Eastern Time Zone, how will my child be able to participate in the live class?
We will have two live classes a week to accommodate different time zones. Children can attend either one. We will try our best to accommodate the time zones
What is the fee for the international online school?
Wali ul Asr is non-profit organization. We determine the fee of the school by dividing the operational costs amongst the students. We do not accept or reject anyone based on their financial circumstances and offer scholarships and no-interest loans to families that cannot afford to pay the full fees.

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